Caricamento Eventi

How listening practices can be deployed as a way to critically traverse the border territories, challenging persisting notions about the “inescapable marginality”, “residuality,” and “peripherality” of rural areas?

Presenting the book “Risonanze e Coesistenze. Suono territori e margini”

Edited by Leandro Pisano and Beatrice Ferrara, the essays presented in this volume range from the narration of the artist’s personal experience to the critical analysis, and its debates, of the definitions of sound art without excluding their interventions in border and marginal territorial contexts, comparing to conflictual dynamics of a political, cultural, economic and social nature.

It is a series of contributions written by artists from different geographical contexts (Latin America, Asia, and Europe). Starting from the analysis of their practice, they broaden the focus to themes like identity, community, borders, and cultural translation to restore, through writing, that sense of complex listening and resonating work that starts from the territory to amplify itself on a global scale.

The authors of the essays are, in addition to the volume’s editors, Yukiko Shikata, Joseph Sannicandro, Nicola Di Croce, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Salomé Voegelin & David Mollin, Sarah Waring, Pietro Bonanno, Fabio R. Lattuca, Nataniel Alvarez, Sandra Ulloa, Philip Samartzis, Alessandra Pioselli.

The presentation will be moderated by Francesco Bergamo and introduced by Alessandra Calanchi.

Speakers: Yukiko Shikata, Joseph Sannicandro, Nicola Di Croce, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Salomé Voegelin & David Mollin, Sarah Waring, Pietro Bonanno, Fabio R. Lattuca, Nataniel Alvarez, Sandra Ulloa, Philip Samartzis.

A intervenire saranno l’etnomusicologa Delia Dattilo (Università di Cagliari), la linguista Cinzia Citraro (Università della Calabria), i musicologi Amedeo Fera (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) e Fabio R. Lattuca (Vacuamoenia), i sound artist Pietro Bonanno (Vacuamoenia), Remo De Vico, Costantino Rizzuti e Daniela Diurisi (Petrolio), la cantante e ricercatrice indipendente Anna Maria Civico.

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